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Explore rebreather diving

2 hour/ 1 dive

  • 5 hours
  • 155 euros
  • Cape Greko Street 459

Service Description

Explore rebreather diving is a specialized diving program that teaches divers how to use a rebreather, which is a type of diving apparatus that recycles exhaled air while removing carbon dioxide, thereby allowing divers to spend longer periods underwater without having to resurface. The program typically covers topics, such as the different kinds of rebreathers, the physics behind their respective mechanics, and how to manage the complexities of their use, including proper maintenance, maintaining proper buoyancy, and emergency procedures. Rebreather diving requires specialized training beyond just the basic diving skills because of the extra steps required for maintenance and programming. Divers who wish to take the rebreather diving course usually have some experience with scuba diving but may not have much experience with rebreathers themselves. There are different types of rebreather diving courses, including entry-level courses, advanced courses, and technical courses. The entry-level course is typically a beginner-level certification course that covers the basics of rebreather diving and is meant for those with little or no diving experience. The advanced course is for experienced scuba divers looking to improve their diving skills and learn how to use advanced rebreather diving techniques. Finally, the technical course is for experienced rebreather divers looking to explore deeper water and more challenging diving scenarios. Overall, rebreather diving can be an excellent way for experienced divers to test their limits and explore new depths and environments in Protaras, Cyprus.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • GoToDive Diving Center, Cape Greko Street, Protaras, Cyprus


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